Our little girl aint so little anymore - she’s two freaking months already! I waited for this post until after her check up which was last night. We received excellent stats but there are a few things we need to watch out for such as reflux and giving her more tummy time. Big Z did good with her shots - I’ve never seen her so mad and shocked though! She’s currently down for her first nap which is so unusually early. I think its going to be a very rough, sleepy, and cuddly day for this sweetie after those baby thigh pinches.
AGE// 2 months {9weeks on this post}
WEIGHT// 13.8 pounds holy chunks! 97th percentile bahaha I can’t get over it!
LENGTH// 23.5 inches long and in the 90th percentile.
HEAD CIRCUMFERENCE// 40cm and in the 90th percentile as well. She seems to be pretty proportionate!
SIZE// Zoey has been in size 3 month for almost a month now! She’s almost starting to be too looonng for her sleepers… :/ not too excited about that because she practically lives in those but a lot of her onesies and pants fit her! Still in size 1 diapers as well. I tried the UpandUp Target brand and it is surprisingly bigger than Huggies. We’re still figuring out diaper favorites. She has a nasty rash I’ve been trying to beat so I’ve been trying every type of diaper and every cream!
EYES// The newborn blue has begun fading into hazel. Max and both of his parents have hazel eyes, myself and both of my parents have brown eyes so it’s a toss up as to what they will turn in to as she grows. They are absolutely beautiful in color right now though that’s for sure!
HAIR// Girlfriend is rocking the old man bob. She has a ring around of ashy brown hair leaving the top of her head bald! I always knew our babe would not have those luscious newborn locks.
SLEEPING// Thank the sleeping gods we have a dreamer! I’ve gotten her on an easy routine for getting to bed: I swaddle, boobie, and rock her to sleep in our dark room with the white noise machine on. We do this every night around 7:30pm and it has been working wonderfully. I look forward to nursing and rocking her to sleep. It is so easy to place her in the Rock n Play and creep out of the room to hang out with Max for a few hours. She usually wakes around 3-4am for the middle of the night feeding and wakes up for the day around 6am. She has also gotten into the habit of actually taking naps during the day but I think a lot of that has to do with me starting to pay attention to her cues and certain cries. Mommas still learning!
EATING// She loves her ‘boobie’ as I like to call feeding time :) We are still exclusively breast feeding and both enjoying every second of it. I think I love nursing her more and more with each day. I still feed on demand and seeing her nudges for the boobie and hearing her gulps makes me feel so freaking proud! My freezer stash is growing but unfortunately we have a tough time getting her to take the bottle. I feel like I won’t get a date night out in awhile… but that’s okay - I do need my sushi fix here soon though… ehhemm Zoey.
MILESTONES// Little lady has found her voice and boy does she love hearing it! We swear she’s a wolf trying to howl at the moon. She has the cutest curl of her lip when she’s on a roll and we are starting to get some giggles out too! She is happiest in the morning, especially when daddy is home for the weekend. I can’t get over her smiles and voice.
MEMORABLE OUTINGS// We haven’t taken Zoey anywhere crazy or exciting but I did venture her on in to Washington with Nichole and Harper! We went to Hobby Lobby. What a mistake to go on a Saturday! So many shoppers and tons of little old ladies itching to get their hands on my girl haha Most trips out of the house are for visiting Grandmas and Grandpas, grocery shopping and Target!
LOVES// The boobie hah had to say it. She LOVES being naked. It must feel good to be free and nakey, spreading those arms and kicking those crazy legs! I feel like she really enjoys the bath. We get lots of chats from her and she just seems soooo relaxed. Her monkey friends on the swing are a good part of her day too!
HATES// I guess you could say she hates getting dressed and undressed and I’m probably the slowest mom when it comes to it too. Those damn button snaps take me forever, especially since she’s a manic kicker. She also gets rather unhappy if you aren’t bouncing or moving her while in your arms.
WORDS:SOUNDS// Hoowwwwling coos and silly little squeaks. I love the sound it makes when she finds her hands too.
NICKNAMES// Boo Boo, Fart Pants, Baby Girl, Pumpkin, Zoey Bug, Sweet Girl…
FUNNY MOMENTS// When Max and I both gave her a night time bath for the first time. She was so happy and such a chatter box we couldn’t stop laughing! Max’s parents got some crazy laughs out of her too! We were all surrounding and laughing at her and she was just soaking it in being a goob.
We love this girl so much! I am so beyond excited to spend the holidays with her. Life is so much sweeter with Zoey.
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